Welcome to the Himalayas Botswana!
Hello everyone. Condensing all of this now that I am six months into being here (My goodness gracious I was bored when I made this wasn’t I?). You can still find the Blog and pictures in the top right. Happy holidays everyone!
Books Finished/Month
Things ya should really know
Who: Me! Plus 14 other people in my cohort.
Where: I am posted in a small town in the Okavango region of Botswana. The Okavango (Oka-Vahn-goo) is a river delta that runs into the desert and seeps back into the earth. The Okavango is in the North-West part of the country, exactly opposite from the capital city; really close to Namibia.
When: To Bots at the beginning of July, and to my site at the end of September. The actual two years starts then, so my service ends in September 2026.
Why? I get asked this a lot, especially during trainings and by random Batswana. My general answer is that I want to directly help others and make a real difference while working abroad/traveling. Peace Corps ended up being the perfect avenue for that.
Current Quote I am living my life by:
“Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have.”